Essential skills, applied skills, employability skills, competencies, college/career ready skills, transferable skills, and soft skills.
Knowledge, work habits, and character traits necessary to succeed in this rapidly changing world.
Just like any other subject, 21st Century Skills can be taught, practiced, and incorporated into everyone’s life.
After extensive research and hosting a series of Skills Panels, the New World of Work team developed the list of the “Top 10” Essential 21st Century Skills.
Our team collaborated with the Mozilla Foundation’s 21st Century Skills Initiative to review their comprehensive framework comparing college/career ready competencies from organizations across the country. We then worked with the Foundation for California Community Colleges, W3Workshop, MDRC, and Redstone Research to use this framework to establish learning outcomes for each of the skills in our “Top 10” list. We scaled the language to correlate with the Professional, Postsecondary, and Secondary reading levels.
This Competencies/Attributes/Traits document, included here as a downloadable PDF, forms the basis of all our curriculum and assessments. NWoW Competencies-Attributes-Traits Chart
Our “high school” lesson series can be used within high school classes, college/career counseling, opportunity youth programs, after school programs, adult education, workshops, etc. It is designed to provide an introduction to the “Top 10” 21st Century Skills using facilitated instruction, videos, and practice activities for learners. Our Learner Digital Badges can also be used as culminating assessments with the high school lesson content.
The high school content consists of one lesson module per skill, divided into four sections to cover all four traits, or learning outcomes, of that skill. The lesson modules incorporate our high school/opportunity youth video series.
Each module includes:
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