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Vice Chancellor Sheneui Weber of the Economic and Workforce Development Division at the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office released a memo on January 10, 2020 regarding the future of the New World of Work program. Please see the most recent NWoW newsletter which contains the memo and our 2012-2019 Summary & Impact Report.
Executive Vice Chancellor of Workforce & Digital Futures at the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office explains why programs like New World of Work are essential to prepare for the future of work.
Provides a spotlight article on NWoW 21st Century Employability Skills and Digital Badge program in the Contra Costa Community Colleges.
CEO and Co-Founder of CreatorUp! shares the impact of incorporating video assessments into the New World of Work 21st Century Skills lessons to foster greater student engagement, all in a format aligned with the emerging creative economy.
The US Department of Education, through IES, funded MDRC to conduct a research study on the New World of Work program with the goal of refining the existing program and tracking impact.
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the New World of Work’s digital badge program
This report tracks the innovations in the California Community Colleges under the Doing What MATTERS framework, including the New World of Work program, as the colleges prepare to better serve the students of the future.
Mozilla Learning Recognizes New World of Work and the Foundation for California Community College’s 21st Century Skills digital badging project as a national “promising practice” in higher education.
White paper produced through the Southern California Biotechnology Center compares New World of Work’s 21st Century Skills program to ACT Work Keys.
New World of Work officially endorsed by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office for statewide adoption. Growing scale to help meet employer demands.
The California Corporate College Partners with New World of Work to Deliver 21st Century Skills Training to Educators, State Agencies, and Corporations
MDRC National Research Group’s Brief states New World of Work “is among the most robust soft skills programs available…”
New World of Work hosted a 21st Century Skills curriculum and digital badging training for 14 partner community colleges in California.
SB1070 College/Career Readiness partner Butte College offers the Health Exploration Summer Institute for interested high school students to earn early college credit.
Scriptwriter Kat Vondy discusses the partnership with New World of Work to create video lessons on employability skills, and the power of video to make abstract concepts real.
New World of Work and NACCE were highlighted in the recent Tech Hire announcement from the White House. The organizations will partner to provide a series of 21st Century Skills webinars to Tech Hire grantees.
This study was based in the statewide CSI project through the Governor’s Office and the development of competency-based “Public to Public” civil service recruitment pathways, grounded in the New World of Work- 21st Century Skills.
An overview of the New World of Work history and resources was shared across the National Career Pathways Network as an emerging best practice for skills education.
The Foundation for California Community Colleges explains their badging project with New World of Work and the partner colleges who will pilot 21st Century Skills badges with students starting Fall 2016.
Hartnell is one of ten partner colleges involved in the California pilot for integrating New World of Work’s 21st Century Soft Skills into curriculum across their campus.
Road Trip Nation partners with the NWoW and Foundation CCC team to discuss soft skills in the workplace and how to assess these skills through digital badging platforms.
The National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship helps facilitate the 21st Century Skills curriculum training and digital badging meeting to show national support for soft skills training in promoting career readiness and entrepreneurship.
ConnectEd is developing digital badges for students, teachers, and district administrators and they shared their insights on badging at the Digital Badging Advisory Group meeting hosted in Sacramento.
The New World of Work team partners with the Foundation for California Community Colleges and the National Association for California Community Colleges to host a Digital Badging Advisory Group meeting with thought leaders in business, education, and workforce development.
SB1070 College/Career Readiness partner Butte College designs a Health Careers Exploration Summer Institute to expose students to real life learning at Enloe Medical Center.
New World of Work’s 21st Century Skills curriculum is recognized as an emerging “practice with promise” in adult education.